Although REDYREF has made its name as a provider of end-to-end kiosk and digital signage solutions, what can sometimes get lost is the full extent to which we provide these various services. For instance, the majority of kiosk companies are VARs — value-added resellers — and while they serve a purpose, for the most part, they do not engineer or fabricate kiosks themselves. Instead, they rely on a network of providers to fulfill these needs, along with any other necessary processes, from finishing to post-installation kiosk servicing. On the other hand, REDYREF both engineers and fabricates kiosk enclosures, customizes software and handles the logistics of delivery and installation as required by our clients.
Interestingly, one of the most complicated facets of kiosk and building directory design actually has very little to do with the structure of the physical enclosure, and everything to do with how it will ultimately be used, including the overall end user’s experience. While some of this is addressed in the engineering — issues such as ADA compliance, or the average user’s ability to access all of the important functionality of the kiosk or directory — it’s the customization of software that makes the kiosk fundamentally effective. A turn-key kiosk manufacturer, like REDYREF, can ensure that all of its customers' needs are met, including software, 100% in-house.
REDYREF works with our clients in-house to customize software to their exact specifications and needs, allowing for the most holistic perspective possible over the course of the kiosk design and manufacturing process. And because we understand that our clients value the ability to customize, but must do so through a lens of cost-efficiency, we are on the precipice of launching our new, cutting-edge software platform, created specifically for use in digital building directories. Based on the same principles as our enGage Kiosk software platform — fully customizable and flexible — our digital building directory software will offer an affordable opportunity to integrate custom building directory elements into a pre-configured but still highly sophisticated and user-friendly interface. In this way, we will make it possible for our clients to get the directory features they want, while staying within their stated project budget.
Still believe all kiosk companies are the same? Hopefully, we’ve convinced you otherwise. And if you’re ready to invest in digital building directories for your business, the experts at RedyRef are here to ensure that your directory deployment is a success. We invite you to submit a request for proposal online or call (800) 628-3603 today to find out how we can help you give your customers a best-in-class directory user experience.